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Ainsworths (London) Ltd.

The First Name in Homoeopathy


Ainsworths Homoeopathic Remedies

Specialists in the making and provision of traditional homoeopathic remedies and in the individual preparation of Bach Flower Remedies since 1974
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Ainsworths Counter Range

Select a remedy from our popular Counter Range or buy the full kit.

Remedy Store

Choose from our full range of single remedies or make your own combination.

Bryonia Linctus

Bryonia Linctus is a soothing preparation to ease those winter coughs.


Order from our standard range or simply choose your own.

Veterinary Products

Everything you need for your pet.

Ainsworths Farming

Keep your herd or flock without resorting to drugs.

Bach Flower Remedies

Carefully prepared in accordance with Dr. Bach's methods from top quality flower essences

About Dr. Bach’s Flower Remedies

Read more about how Dr. Bach’s work lead to his Flower Remedies.

Bach Flower Remedies

Choose from the full range of Dr. Bach’s flower remedies, carefully prepared in accordance with his methods.

Bach Flower Certified Courses

Choose your dates from our regularly run London courses.

Emergency Spray

Uniquely alcohol-free, with a gentle no-taste formula

Emergency Cream

Pure and natural, specially formulated and exclusive to Ainsworths

Friends For Life

Our range of Bach Flower Combinations, specially formulated to simply assist with the challenges of modern life.

What our Customers say

I know very little about homeopathy and was recommended by a friend to call Ainsworths as my 17 year old son is having various problems. Sharon was incredibly helpful and kind, and seemed to grasp things very quickly, so I just wanted to say how refreshing and reassuring it was to come across someone so competent, astute and professional.

Contact Ainsworths

Pharmacy/Shop/Consulting Rooms

36 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UF
T: +44 (0)20 7935 5330 F: +44 (0)20 7486 4313


42 High Street, Caterham, Surrey CR3 5UB
T: +44 (0)1883 340332

© 2025 Ainsworths (London) Limited