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Ainsworths (London) Ltd.

The First Name in Homoeopathy


About Bach Flower Remedies

Dr. Edward Bach

Dr. Edward Bach was born on the 24th September, 1886. He decided on a  medical career and, subsequently, became a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons and Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians in 1912. He was also awarded the Degrees M.B. (Bachelor of Medicine) and B.S. (Bachelor of Science), together with The Diploma in Public Health Camb. (Cambridge) in 1914. His appointment as Pathologist and Bacteriologist at the Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, led to his famous Nosode work before later practising as a Consultant Physician in Harley Street.

The Flower Remedies became his life’s work when he discovered how the various plants and trees affected his thoughts and feelings. He came to understand that for each human emotional state or pattern, there is a flower whose essence possesses an equal and opposite pattern. When these plants are used for their complementary (opposite) states, they balance our emotions and, consequently, assist in the prevention and treatment of physical illness.

Dr. Bach was ahead of his time by understanding how emotional states lead to physical illness if they are left untreated. A fact which is now recognised and accepted by today’s medical profession. He spent the last years of his life endeavouring to make this simple, gentle and very effective system of natural medicine available to everyone. By the end, Edward Bach identified 38 different flower remedies, which were categorized into seven emotional groupings for ease of use.

Ainsworths Bach Flower Remedies

We take considerable care to produce flower remedies which are prepared and made in accordance with the clearly presented methods of Dr. Bach who made it very clear and, indeed, stated emphatically that the flower remedies were not homoeopathic preparations.

Therefore, our essences are preserved only in brandy, at a 1:240 dilution of flower essence, closely following his original instructions. Consequently, they contain 417 times more flower essence than those made by 5x homoeopathic dilution.

The Importance of Water

The planet we live on has four elements – air, earth, fire and water - with water being approximately 78% of the whole.  Therefore, water is the principal medium for the reception, transmission and release of all vibration (life) on this planet and is essential to all biological lifeforms.

Water’s role as a medium for flower essences is then obvious and the use of brandy in their preparation is not just to preserve but to protect and hold the essences safely until they are freed again in water. Understandably, Edward Bach made it very clear that ‘stock’ essences must be taken in water for their qualities and benefits to be immediately experienced. Therefore, it is essential that all remedies be diluted in water rather than taken directly on the tongue.

The Ainsworths combination remedies ‘Emergency Spray’ and the Clearing Essences are ready-to-use. Emergency Spray being both alcohol-free and water based with the Clearing Essence Sprays designed for use on and around the body as well as for space clearing.

Ainsworths Commitment

 Ainsworths are completely committed to the practice, principles and philosophy of Dr. Edward Bach, both in the preparation of our remedies and with The Bach Flower Educational Foundation.

The flower essences we produce are made entirely by ourselves from an organic natural environment of woodland, hillsides, pastures and gardens. These grounds are owned, conserved and protected by us, with the minimum of human intervention, allowing a completely natural habitat for the plants and trees to grow.

Each essence is prepared by one or both of us, strictly in accordance with the original methods of Dr. Bach, to ensure the integrity and quality of the final product. Importantly, to us, we accomplish this with the utmost respect and gratitude for Nature, in full awareness of our symbiotic relationship.

More about Dr. Bach's Flower Remedies

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