By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen and to the Prince of Wales
Ainsworths (London) Ltd.

The First Name in Homoeopathy


Friends For Life - Harmonic Balance

Harmonic Balance

Harmonic Balance™

Control Your Mood

One of the Friends for Life range of Bach Flower Combinations, specially formulated by Ainsworths, to simply assist with the challenges of modern life.

Alcohol-free, the gentle water-based ‘no taste’ formula speeds the effects of the remedies and makes it ready to use.

Simply sprayed on the tongue, it is safe for frequent use and with children and animals.

Use when you wish to experience, maintain or restore a comfortable balanced mood.

Harmonic Balance Flower Essences and their Qualities


Deep relaxation; inner courage; honesty openness; release from hidden, inner torment and pressure; brings inner peace.


Self-esteem; capability; self-belief; courage; competence; confidence.

Star of Bethlehem

Relieves emotional shock, grief, despair, loss, disappointments, accidents, disasters, trauma, physical injuries; restores balance.

Cherry Plum

Calm; great self-control; peace of mind; strength of purpose.


Motivates; inner fulfilment; mood lifting effects from sudden dark melancholy and deep depression.

Sweet Chestnut

Relieves unbearable despondency; fear of total breakdown; restores desire for life.


Optimism; positivity; courageous attitude; self-belief; trust; anti-depressive.


Clarity; self-esteem; self-approval; appreciation and acceptance of oneself.


Relieves self-pity, bitterness and anger; restores self-empowerment and responsibility.

Harmonic Balance™

£11.50 each
This price includes VAT at 20%

Contact Ainsworths

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36 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UF
T: +44 (0)20 7935 5330 F: +44 (0)20 7486 4313


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T: +44 (0)1883 340332

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