By Appointment To His Majesty The King Chemists
Ainsworths (London) Ltd.

The First Name in Homoeopathy


Pet Friend

Pet Friend

Calming Combination

This new essential spray for pets is a completely natural formula of Bach Flower Remedies, which are traditionally known for their calming qualities as well as their ability to target fears and anxiety.

This Ainsworths formula contains Dr Bach's original 5 flower 'rescue remedy' with 3 extra flower essences, in an alcohol free, spray formula which is water-based and totally suitable for all animals - from the largest farm/zoo animal to the smallest bird, fish and reptile.


  • Easy to use - simply spray directly in animal's mouth, in their water or on any convenient mucous membrane.
  • Pet Friend is completely safe to use frequently and can be given as often as required.

Pet Friend

£11.50 each
This price includes VAT at 20%

Contact Ainsworths

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36 New Cavendish Street, London W1G 8UF
T: +44 (0)20 7935 5330 F: +44 (0)20 7486 4313


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T: +44 (0)1883 340332

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