By Appointment To His Majesty The King Chemists
Ainsworths (London) Ltd.

The First Name in Homoeopathy

Bach Flower Remedies

Recovery Remedy 10ml

Dr Bach Original Rescue Formula This special combination of five flower essences was known as Dr.…

Recovery Plus 20ml

Dr Bach Anti-Stress Combination + Dr Bach Original Rescue Formula This combination comprises Bach…

Agrimony Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Agrimony person is worried and restless in both mind and body. A feeling of inner suffering and…

Aspen Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Aspen is recommended for the type of vague, indefinable, anticipatory fear that takes the form of…

Beech Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Beech personality is intolerant, critical and annoyed by the small habits, mannerisms, gestures…

Centaury Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Centaury persons are kind, quiet and gentle people who are over-anxious to serve others. Being…

Cerato Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Cerato is for persons who do not have sufficient confidence in themselves or their own judgement to…

Cherry Plum Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Cherry Plum person fears loss of control and reason. They fear insanity and their mind being…

Chestnut Bud Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Chestnut Bud is for those who have difficulty in learning from their mishaps, finding it necessary…

Chicory Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

This remedy is of great use to those of us who are overly concerned with the lives of our children,…

Clematis Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Clematis person is quiet, dreamy and drowsy, appearing to be not fully awake and have no great…

Crab Apple Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

A wonderful remedy for feelings of despair, self-hatred and disgust with a sense of being unclean,…

Elm Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Elm is a remedy for those who are overwhelmed by responsibility, leaving them feeling inadequate…

Gentian Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Gentian persons are easily discouraged and full of doubt regarding their ability to succeed, after…

Gorse Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Gorse remedy is for persons who think their situation is impossible and have experienced many…

Heather Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Heather persons prefer the company of others and feel the need to discuss their own affairs with…

Holly Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Holly remedy is for when we have thoughts of jealousy, envy, suspicion and even hatred or…

Honeysuckle Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Honeysuckle is the remedy for when we are living more in the past than the present.  Dwelling…

Hornbeam Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Hornbeam helps enable those of us who think we have not sufficient strength, mentally or…

Impatiens Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Impatiens person is quick in thought and action and wishes all things to be done without…

Larch Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Larch is the remedy for those that lack confidence and do not consider themselves as good or as…

Mimulus Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Mimulus person experiences fears that they know and that exist in everyday life, such as…

Mustard Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Mustard is for those of us who suffer from periods of deep depression, sadness and gloom, which…

Oak Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Oak personality is strong, reliable, patient and responsible.  They shoulder great burdens…

Olive Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

This is the remedy for those of us who have suffered much mentally or physically and are so…

Pine Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Pine is required when we have feelings of guilt or blame ourselves – even take responsibility…

Red Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Red Chestnut person’s worries and anxieties are for others. Their thoughts are solely…

Rock Rose Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

This is the remedy for extreme fear, terror and panic, usually with trembling, perspiration and, in…

Rock Water Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Rock Water people are very strict with themselves and their lives, often denying the joys and…

Scleranthus Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

This remedy is for indecision and uncertainty and is invaluable for people who cannot choose…

Star of Bethlehem Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

This is the remedy for shock in any form and is indicated whenever there is trauma to the system -…

Sweet Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Sweet Chestnut is the remedy for those who are in deepest despair with this hopelessness leading to…

Vervain Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Vervain person has fixed principles and ideas that cannot be changed, because they are…

Vine Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

This is a very capable person who is certain of their own ability and confident of success. They…

Walnut Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Walnut remedy offers us constant protection from outside influences and is the plant of new…

Water Violet Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Water Violet personality is reserved and aloof, preferring to be alone and to choose for their…

White Chestnut Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

White Chestnut is the required remedy when we cannot unwind and the mind is assaulted by constant…

Wild Oat Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

The Wild Oat person has no aim or goal and feels dissatisfied with life. They feel unfulfilled,…

Wild Rose Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Wild rose is the remedy for those who have inwardly given up and cannot find the enthusiasm or…

Willow Bach Flower Remedy 10ml

Willow is for when we see ourselves as victims and feel that life has treated us badly. We wrap…

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